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We believe that TI, Casio and HP calculator programming, especially on the models that provides full on-calc programmability, is a great way to introduce people to programming and that it provides them the base to jump into more advanced languages, either for calculators, computers, mobile platforms or consoles. As a website formed of former or current calculator programming enthusiasts, as well as computer and mobile programmers, we are happy by this move. Ti 84 calculator games snakes in california. While we haven't gotten enough time to go through the TI-BASIC tutorial to see how it compares to established TI community BASIC resources, this move by Texas Instruments is a big step further from even the days where the TI-83 Plus Guidebook vaguely mentioned 'video games' when explaining the GetKey command and especially their TI-Nspire days. Some are sticking with calculators as a vintage computing platform as well, while others have programmed them for over a decade (for example, Kerm, BrandonW, tr1p1ea or myself). In the past, several prominent TI community programmers have begun programming careers after doing TI programming or are attempting to do so.

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