Db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar File Download
Posted by Anna Christian on 04:06 PM Ignition includes an IBM DB2 driver, however, it will not work for all IBM databases. This article explains how to create a custom driver in order to successfully connect to IBM AS400 iSeries database (QAS). Background If you try to connect to an IBM AS400 iSeries database using the IBM DB2 driver included with Ignition, the connection will either report as 'Faulted', or be stuck in the 'Connecting' status. You may also see error like the following posted in the log: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Cannot create PoolableConnectionFactory (jcct410109103544.7.85 The version of the IBM Universal JDBC driver in use is not licensed for connectivity to QAS databases. To connect to this server, please obtain a licensed copy of the IBM DB2 Universal Driver for JDBC and SQLJ. An appropriate license file db2jcclicense.jar for this target platform must be installed to the application class path Connectivity to QAS databases is enabled by any of the following license files: db2jcclicensecisuz.jar.
The link you posted will get you the JCC driver, if you click on one of the version numbers it will take you to Fix Central where you can download the driver. May 7, 2012 - Download the JDBC Driver db2jcclicensecisuz.jar - (provided with DB2. C: Program Files Aqua Data Studio 11.0 - 64bit lib driversdir. The db2jcclicensecisuz.jar file has been removed from certain products in client installations of DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB) Version 8.2 (equivalent to DB2 UDB Version 8.1 FixPak 7). If you are using any other edition of DB2 Connect, obtain the license file, db2jcclicensecisuz.jar, from the license activation kit, and follow the installation directions to include the license file in the class path. ERRORCODE=-4230, SQLSTATE=42968 I have installed db2jcc4.jar file on the Splunk machine to connect to the DB2 database.
ERRORCODE=-4472, SQLSTATE=42968) To connect to a database, Ignition uses a JDBC driver. JDBC drivers are specific to the particular database(s), so it is important to use the driver that works with the particular database you are trying to connect to. To connect to a QAS database, Ignition needs the JTOpen driver (jt400.jar). The steps below will walk you through downloading, installing, and configuring this driver to work with Ignition. Steps. Download the driver file Download the latest driver from the.
Db2jcc Maven
Extract the zip archive and locate the jt400.jar file. You will need the path to this file in the next step.
Create a new driver in Ignition Follow the steps for outlined in the Ignition user manual. Use the following settings: Name Use a descriptive name for your new driver, for example AS400 Description This is optional; you can add a description of your choice Class name com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver Jar File(s) Navigate to the jt400.jar file you obtained in step 1. Driver Type Generic URL Format jdbc:as400://IPorHOSTNAME/Schema URL Instructions This is optional; you can add instructions of your choice Default Connection Properties This is optional, but the following are helpful: naming=sql;errors=full Connection Properties Instructions This is optional; you can add instructions of your choice Default Validation Query select 1 from sysibm.sysdummy1 Default Translator DB2 URL Instructions This is optional; you can add instructions of your choice. Create a new database connection using your new driver Follow the steps described in the user manual to. Make sure to select your new driver when prompted. Your new IBM AS400 database connection is now ready to use.
In order to use the DB2 Mainframe adapter, you are required to copy the following IBM DB2 JDBC JAR files to the /lib folder of the Data Provisioning Agent installation directory ( lib). db2jcc4.jar (Required) You can download this file here:. Be sure to download the JDBC JAR file according to your DB2 database version.
db2jcclicensecisuz.jar (Required) You can find information about this file here: You can find these JAR files in the following ways:. These JAR files will be available in the installation directory after you have installed the IBM DB2 client. For example, on a Windows System, the JAR files will be located in C: Program Files IBM SQLLIB java. Download them from the IBM Support and Download Center. Note If the source z/OS DB2 system contains a non-English CCSID table space, you are required to update the JVM to an internationalized version. At a minimum, the charsets.jar file within the current JVM should contain the required CharToByteCP.class, where corresponds to the source system’s language locale.