Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran Ganong Pdf Converter


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And ABSTRACT Background and Objective: Broiler reared above the condition of thermoneutral zone will be vulnerable to environmental and exhibit behavioural and physiological changes. This study is to evaluate the effects of supplementation of potassium chloride (KCl) in drinking water on broiler performance and physiological responses under conditions of environmental. Methodology: A total of 200 days old broiler chicks were evaluated in this study. They were randomly divided into 20 plots and reared for 5 weeks. A completely randomized design with 5 treatments and 4 replications were assigned in this study. The treatments were symbolized as R0, R1, R2, R3 and R4, which is respectively supplemented with KCl as much as 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.00% (w/v) in drinking water.

Variables observed were feed and water intake, body weight gain, ratio, the amount of potassium, sodium and chloride absorbed, mortality, the panting percentage, cloacal temperature, numbers of leukocytes and blood pH. Results: The results indicated that the supplementation of KCl in drinking water did not significantly (p0.05) affect the panting percentage, however, significantly (p.Analyzed value The amount of potassium, chloride and sodium absorbed by the body is obtained by subtracting the amount of potassium, chloride and sodium consumed from the diet and drinking water with the amount of potassium, chloride and sodium in excreta. Mortality was recorded daily throughout the experimental period. Measurement of physiological status: The rectal temperature was monitored 3 times a week after 14 days of age. As many as 2 birds per pen were randomly selected to record rectal temperature in the morning and afternoon at 05.00 am and 12.00 pm, respectively. The rectal temperature was measured using a digital thermometer with an accuracy of ±0.1, by inserting the thermistor probe in the cloaca to a depth of 1-2 cm and held till the thermometer beeped. Before the measurements, the fecal materials have been forced out from cloaca.

Panting is characterized by rapid breathing activity with beak open. Panting expressed in a percentage that is by comparing the number of chickens that panting and whole chickens in each experimental unit and then multiplied by 100%. The observation was carried out every day at 12.00 pm, when the ambient temperature was 36.71±0.40°C. Blood analysis: At the end of the experiment (35 days of age) as many 3 mL of venous blood samples, which is 2 birds per pen were collected during panting by puncture of the brachial vein with using sterilized syringes then inserted into tubes containing heparin as an anticoagulant. The syringes were then capped and taken to the laboratory for counting the number of leukocytes.


The whole blood pH analysis were performed within 30 min after the blood collection by using a pH meter. Statistical analysis: The data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS Programme version 17.

Buku ajar fisiologi kedokteran ganong pdf converter 2017Pdf

Buku Ajar Fisiologi Kedokteran Ganong Pdf Converter Download

If there was a difference between treatments, it would be further tested using Duncan's multiple range test at 5%. Data are presented as Mean±Standard Error of Mean (SEM) of measurements on treatments from 4 replicates. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Performance responses: Based on this study, the results showed that the treatments significantly (p0.05) the panting percentage, however, significantly (p. Mean in the same column with different superscript differ significantly (p.